

Free PI Crypto

 Earn Pi Crypto From Your Phone

Pi crypto currency is a decentralized, immutable, secure, non-counterfeitable, and interoperable digital money. It was created by Stanford PhDs and touts the potential to be worth a pretty good amount in the near future.  Right now you can earn from your cellular phone via app free crypto by utilizing the resources of your phone.  The good news is that it isn't battery draining and it's easy to earn.  You need a invite code to join.  

To claim your Pi (or to just look at more information on the PI network), follow this link https://minepi.com/freecrypromining and use my username //invitation code: (freecrypromining) as your invitation code.  The easiest way is just to double click inside the brackets to select the username and copy and paste, but if you do choose to type it out be careful with the spelling as the name I wanted I couldn't get / wouldn't allow so it's off by a letter. 😃

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